
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which presents a case for a transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.

This subject matter transcends the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and moves to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy".

THEATRICAL RELEASE - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward was released in 60+ countries and in 25+ languages on January 15th 2011. This large scale release was not associated with any major distributor.









When it comes to the history of symbolism in bears, there is a vast variety of different meanings. There are many different types of breeds of the bear, such as the grizzly, black bear, polar bear, and the Kodiak bear. The bear is considered one of the top symbolic animals in the world. The bear is very symbolic to the Native Americans and it is believed to hold special powers. Many North American tribes thought highly of the bear, especially the Sioux Indians and the Pueblo. Some tribes even considered the bear to be a sacred animal with the power of healing. Since there is so many different breeds, in tattoo terms, it gives you a variety of options to think about.
Source: http://adf.ly/5kSU4

The bear plays both sides of the fence per say when it comes to symbolism. For example, the bear can be represented as a gentle, noble creature, but it can also be portrayed as a fierce animal. When it comes to tattoos, this is something you may want to consider. Two people can have the same tattoo, but it can represent opposite meanings. Due to this diversity, the bear has symbolized good and bad throughout history. The Celts and other European cultures viewed the bear as a symbol of warfare. The Celts and Germans also used the bear to represent bravery. Christians viewed the bear as a symbol of evil influence and cruelty through the Old testament. This meaning has changed over the years though. In modern times, Christians view the bear as a symbol of resurrection.

Source: http://adf.ly/5kSUC

As I mentioned earlier, the bear was a symbol of many native tribes in North America. The bear is more symbol to Native Americans then any other civilization. The Pueblo Indians thought highly of the bear. They believed the bear had the power to heal. They used the bear to represent hunting, healing, and battle. The Sioux Indians were also commonly associated with the bear. To the Sioux, the bear represents the power of the wind. It represented whirlwinds, which were used to confuse enemy tribes and other enemies. The Sioux also believed that the bear had curing powers and the ability to locate things.

Source: Ratemyink

For many native tribes, the bear represented their self-image, self-reflection. Many American Indians believed the bear was symbolic to their need to use silence to hear the voice of the higher self. The bear represented both female and male powers. It is one of the few symbols that is associated to men and women. The feminine side represented their powers associated with the earth and creativity. The masculine side represented the powers of strength, courage, persistence, invulnerability, and observation. Some cultures believed that bears were once people who formed their own spiritual tribe.

Source: Celebritytattoo-design

The bear has been symbolized and portrayed in cultures for centuries. The bear tattoo has many meanings and due to its diverse background, it really makes for an interesting tattoo. Natives from Alaska may use the bear tattoo to symbolize the fact that they live in Alaska. In this case, the grizzly is the most common breed. Someone from Kentucky may choose the black bear tattoo . Geographic location does play a part in bear tattoos.

Source: http://adf.ly/5kSUc



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Well perhaps I should not give out such valuable information free of charge, yet there are hot spots in California for the mobile car wash industry and many are completely untapped, with lots of customers and little if any real organized competition. Anyone in the mobile auto detailing business of mobile car wash business ought to consider these as primary targets for expansion or launching their new business.

The following area I can personally recommend and are worth targeting for maximum revenues. The following cities and locations for a new or expanding operation should be;

New Port Beach, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Coronado, La Jolla, Malibu, Piedmont, Lafayette, Los Altos, Menlo Park, Cupertino and Saratoga.

The secondary recommendations include Davis, Red Bluff, Redding, Auburn, Rocklin, Clovis, Pleasanton, Danville, Concord, Palo Alto, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz. As well as Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, San Rafael, Rancho Bernardo, Temecula, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Ventura, Marina del Ray, Burbank, Woodland Hills, Calabasas, Westlake Village, Simi Valley, Camarillo, Encino, Torrance, AlisoViejo, Tustin and Moreno Valley.

I hope this assists you in a really successful mobile auto detailing business or mobile car wash in the State of California. Think on these recommendations and you will be glad you did.

Small Business Facebook

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 1

Kids and younger people are the ones that really use Facebook - This couldn't be further from the truth, sure it is true that Facebook was initially started for university students to stay in contact and network with each other. However Facebook has now grown to over 500 Million active users, to put this into perceptive for you, if Facebook was a country they would be the 4th largest country in the world.

Here is a breakdown of the age demographics of Facebook users as of 1/1/2010 according to insidefacebook dot com

13 - 17 - 11%

18 - 25 - 29%

26 - 34 - 23%

35 - 44 - 18%

45 - 54 - 12%

55 - 65 - 7%

The fastest growing segment on Facebook at the moment is 55 - 65 year old females

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 2

Facebook is only for socializing with friends and I can't sell my products - Well this is true and false, of course Facebook is for being social, connecting with friends and sharing interesting content, however this is where many of the profit are for small business owners.

Facebook is all about relationships, the days are dying for the hard sell and churning though the numbers, it is about building trust and loyalty though being transparent in a relationship environment.

Understanding this, it is no surprise the latest studies show that 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations as only 14% trust advertisements. Facebook and social media is the ultimate form of word of mouth, and if your consumers like you and your company then your product or service can spread like wildfire.  

One side effect of this relationship social media marketing environment it is very transparent, people know more about you and your company. This is where ensuring you have quality products, provide great value and great service will take your business far beyond the competition.

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 3

Marketing my small business on Facebook takes too much time and costs too much money before I see any results - One of the reasons behind Facebook's rapid growth is that they makes it extremely easy for people to share content and when they do, Facebook then tells all their friends that you have shared something.

For example the average user on Facebook has 130 friends, so when you share something Facebook tells all those 130 friends, and if just one of your friends likes what you just shared then Facebook will then tell their 130 friends and on and on compounding. Because of this viral nature it is possible to get very fast results, however you should look at Facebook as a look term plan. Remember it is all about relationships, not one night stands.

As far as the cost Facebook is free to join and use, however if you don't know what you are doing then you may want to either educate yourself and get your hands dirty or hire outside help.

A social media or Facebook marketing manager can be very cost effective compared to traditional marketing costs. The best thing to do is to put them on a trial period and see what results you get for your money.


Facebook is no doubt the most powerful Social Media site for businesses to target and engage with customers as well as generate leads.

The challenge for most businesses is how to use Facebook as a business tool to achieve the results they want. But just like any new topic, tool or technology, if you want to get the most out of it you need to educate yourself.

Here are 8 ways a Facebook Marketing training course can help your business...

The Newest (and hottest) Marketing Tool

Facebook is one of the newest and hottest marketing tools to come along in the past ten years. With the vast number of active members, the ability for a business to meet, market, engage and sell to customers is almost unlimited.

The reason why Facebook works as a marketing medium is because users CHOOSE to be there. So when you create a Facebook Page, it's WITHIN the prospect's chosen environment. And this is why their 'sales barriers' are down more than usual which leads to increase engagement and conversions.

How SOCIAL can grow your business

It's called SOCIAL Media for a reason! People love to be social; it's hard-wired within us, so when a website comes along like Facebook that allows us to connect and engage with our friends we're naturally drawn to it.

How this can work for your business is by positioning your business in such a way that prospects and customers WANT to engage with you. Just because they're on Facebook and you're on Facebook doesn't mean you'll instantly make sales, you still need an effective Social Media Strategy and know Facebook Psychology to make it work.

Facebook Psychology for Business

Marketing is psychology. The best marketers understand the how their target market thinks and react emotionally to certain triggers whether they be verbal, written or visually with images and video.

As Facebook is a marketing tool it comes with its own psychology, and you need to know it if you're to maximise your results as a business. You can either figure out the psychology of how Facebook Marketing works or attend a workshop or seminar with a Social Media expert who's done all the hard yards for you.

People Equity, Investing in your team

Facebook Marketing Training for your team members makes sense if you want to leverage your time as the business owner. By having your team members educated in this new social world, you'll know the shortcuts to make Facebook happen for you.

Having your existing Marketing Manager equipped with effective Facebook Marketing strategies is just smart business.

If you were to upgrade a software program you use in your business, you'd send one or more of your team members along to a training course to fast-track their knowledge on the new software's features, so why not do the same with Facebook?

Engage with Prospects and Customers

As we've mentioned, it's Social Media. Social Media sites like Facebook allow you to target, find, attract, engage and sell to prospects and customers.

People will always take action on things they're interested in. So, to engage with prospects and customers ask yourself: "What would cause someone to genuinely be interested in and engage with the products and services I offer?".

When you can come up with a solution(s) to this question, you're ready for some serious engagement and relationship building with customers.

Social Leverage

If you apply marketing principles to Facebook psychology you have a powerful way to connect with and sell to people. Marketing is the process of triggering positive emotions within your target market (and removing fears) to initiate the action of buying.

Social Media is very powerful here because it allows you to market to people via their friends. You've probably seen one example of this on Facebook where it says "John Smith (your friend) also likes such and such a Page". Given that you generally have similar interests, likes and dislikes as your friends this presents your business via a trusted third party (your friend). A very powerful strategy.

Social Media Management

Social Media is time vs money. Like any other marketing tool, any smart business owner wants a return on their investment. Knowing the RIGHT way to market your business using Facebook will SAVE you time (saving you money) and MAKE you money (using the right Facebook Marketing Strategy).

Knowing how to manage your Facebook marketing in the most effective way using automation tools, apps and shortcut marketing strategies increases your leverage massively.

Facebook Lead Generation

One of the most common questions asked about Social Media and in particular Facebook, is "How can I make money with it?". The process of selling begins with lead generation.

Lead generation with Facebook is very easy ONCE YOU KNOW HOW. It's a matter of educating yourself with the help of someone's who's already doing it.

If a Facebook Marketing Training Course you're considering attending doesn't teach you how to generate leads, move on. If you're not making money in Social Media, it's costing you money.

We've covered the eight ways a Facebook Marketing Training Course can help your business so that you'll know what to look for (and what or who to avoid).

Every business has a different reason for entering Social Media, above; we've outlined the most common reasons and trust that you'll choose your Facebook Marketing Training Course wisely.

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