Facebook is no doubt the most powerful Social Media site for businesses to target and engage with customers as well as generate leads.
The challenge for most businesses is how to use Facebook as a business tool to achieve the results they want. But just like any new topic, tool or technology, if you want to get the most out of it you need to educate yourself.
Here are 8 ways a Facebook Marketing training course can help your business...
The Newest (and hottest) Marketing Tool
Facebook is one of the newest and hottest marketing tools to come along in the past ten years. With the vast number of active members, the ability for a business to meet, market, engage and sell to customers is almost unlimited.
The reason why Facebook works as a marketing medium is because users CHOOSE to be there. So when you create a Facebook Page, it's WITHIN the prospect's chosen environment. And this is why their 'sales barriers' are down more than usual which leads to increase engagement and conversions.
How SOCIAL can grow your business
It's called SOCIAL Media for a reason! People love to be social; it's hard-wired within us, so when a website comes along like Facebook that allows us to connect and engage with our friends we're naturally drawn to it.
How this can work for your business is by positioning your business in such a way that prospects and customers WANT to engage with you. Just because they're on Facebook and you're on Facebook doesn't mean you'll instantly make sales, you still need an effective Social Media Strategy and know Facebook Psychology to make it work.
Facebook Psychology for Business
Marketing is psychology. The best marketers understand the how their target market thinks and react emotionally to certain triggers whether they be verbal, written or visually with images and video.
As Facebook is a marketing tool it comes with its own psychology, and you need to know it if you're to maximise your results as a business. You can either figure out the psychology of how Facebook Marketing works or attend a workshop or seminar with a Social Media expert who's done all the hard yards for you.
People Equity, Investing in your team
Facebook Marketing Training for your team members makes sense if you want to leverage your time as the business owner. By having your team members educated in this new social world, you'll know the shortcuts to make Facebook happen for you.
Having your existing Marketing Manager equipped with effective Facebook Marketing strategies is just smart business.
If you were to upgrade a software program you use in your business, you'd send one or more of your team members along to a training course to fast-track their knowledge on the new software's features, so why not do the same with Facebook?
Engage with Prospects and Customers
As we've mentioned, it's Social Media. Social Media sites like Facebook allow you to target, find, attract, engage and sell to prospects and customers.
People will always take action on things they're interested in. So, to engage with prospects and customers ask yourself: "What would cause someone to genuinely be interested in and engage with the products and services I offer?".
When you can come up with a solution(s) to this question, you're ready for some serious engagement and relationship building with customers.
Social Leverage
If you apply marketing principles to Facebook psychology you have a powerful way to connect with and sell to people. Marketing is the process of triggering positive emotions within your target market (and removing fears) to initiate the action of buying.
Social Media is very powerful here because it allows you to market to people via their friends. You've probably seen one example of this on Facebook where it says "John Smith (your friend) also likes such and such a Page". Given that you generally have similar interests, likes and dislikes as your friends this presents your business via a trusted third party (your friend). A very powerful strategy.
Social Media Management
Social Media is time vs money. Like any other marketing tool, any smart business owner wants a return on their investment. Knowing the RIGHT way to market your business using Facebook will SAVE you time (saving you money) and MAKE you money (using the right Facebook Marketing Strategy).
Knowing how to manage your Facebook marketing in the most effective way using automation tools, apps and shortcut marketing strategies increases your leverage massively.
Facebook Lead Generation
One of the most common questions asked about Social Media and in particular Facebook, is "How can I make money with it?". The process of selling begins with lead generation.
Lead generation with Facebook is very easy ONCE YOU KNOW HOW. It's a matter of educating yourself with the help of someone's who's already doing it.
If a Facebook Marketing Training Course you're considering attending doesn't teach you how to generate leads, move on. If you're not making money in Social Media, it's costing you money.
We've covered the eight ways a Facebook Marketing Training Course can help your business so that you'll know what to look for (and what or who to avoid).
Every business has a different reason for entering Social Media, above; we've outlined the most common reasons and trust that you'll choose your Facebook Marketing Training Course wisely.