Small Business Facebook

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 1

Kids and younger people are the ones that really use Facebook - This couldn't be further from the truth, sure it is true that Facebook was initially started for university students to stay in contact and network with each other. However Facebook has now grown to over 500 Million active users, to put this into perceptive for you, if Facebook was a country they would be the 4th largest country in the world.

Here is a breakdown of the age demographics of Facebook users as of 1/1/2010 according to insidefacebook dot com

13 - 17 - 11%

18 - 25 - 29%

26 - 34 - 23%

35 - 44 - 18%

45 - 54 - 12%

55 - 65 - 7%

The fastest growing segment on Facebook at the moment is 55 - 65 year old females

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 2

Facebook is only for socializing with friends and I can't sell my products - Well this is true and false, of course Facebook is for being social, connecting with friends and sharing interesting content, however this is where many of the profit are for small business owners.

Facebook is all about relationships, the days are dying for the hard sell and churning though the numbers, it is about building trust and loyalty though being transparent in a relationship environment.

Understanding this, it is no surprise the latest studies show that 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations as only 14% trust advertisements. Facebook and social media is the ultimate form of word of mouth, and if your consumers like you and your company then your product or service can spread like wildfire.  

One side effect of this relationship social media marketing environment it is very transparent, people know more about you and your company. This is where ensuring you have quality products, provide great value and great service will take your business far beyond the competition.

Small Business Facebook Marketing Mistake Number 3

Marketing my small business on Facebook takes too much time and costs too much money before I see any results - One of the reasons behind Facebook's rapid growth is that they makes it extremely easy for people to share content and when they do, Facebook then tells all their friends that you have shared something.

For example the average user on Facebook has 130 friends, so when you share something Facebook tells all those 130 friends, and if just one of your friends likes what you just shared then Facebook will then tell their 130 friends and on and on compounding. Because of this viral nature it is possible to get very fast results, however you should look at Facebook as a look term plan. Remember it is all about relationships, not one night stands.

As far as the cost Facebook is free to join and use, however if you don't know what you are doing then you may want to either educate yourself and get your hands dirty or hire outside help.

A social media or Facebook marketing manager can be very cost effective compared to traditional marketing costs. The best thing to do is to put them on a trial period and see what results you get for your money.

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